Classroom - Lyft Pulsed Eddy Current

Training is paramount to successful Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC) inspection. Eddyfi’s blended PEC training is a very thorough course which covers everything you need to know in order to confidently operate the Eddyfi Lyft® system. The course begins with a 10 hours long e-Learning program which covers the theory behind pulsed eddy currents as well as data interpretation and analysis.

Upon completing the e-Learning, trainees join us for a 2-day hands-on training in which we cover the use of the system and concludes with a practical exam.

Upon completing the hands-on training and earning their certificates, learners gain access to the rest of the full lyft e-Learning package. This includes advanced analysis modules and several video tutorials covering specific applications.

The course complies with the requirements of ASME Section V regarding the training of PEC technicians.

  • PEC 2.3 e-Learning must be completed prior to attending the class.
  • Close to 10 hours of e-Learning + 2 days of classroom based training.
  • Certificate provided upon completing the hands-on exam.
  • Access to the e-Learning package for 1 year.

*Course is subject to being postponed if number of trainees is insufficient.*

Dates and Locations:

  • July 30 to July 31, 2024
    Houston, USA
    Seats remaining: 0
    Price: 1510 USD
Registration Closed
  • August 27 to August 28, 2024
    Houston, USA
    Seats remaining: 0
    Price: 1510 USD
Registration Closed
  • September 24 to September 25, 2024
    Houston, USA
    Seats remaining: 4
    Price: 1510 USD
  • October 29 to October 30, 2024
    Houston, USA
    Seats remaining: 4
    Price: 1510 USD
  • November 19 to November 20, 2024
    Houston, USA
    Seats remaining: 4
    Price: 1510 USD
  • December 17 to December 18, 2024
    Houston, USA
    Seats remaining: 4
    Price: 1510 USD

We can also offer group training for your team, either at your premises, at ours, or remotely through virtual classroom. Get in touch for more information.

E-Learning: 10 hours
Classroom: 16 hours

The following e-Learning courses are included with the Lyft classroom

E-Learning - Lyft Pulsed Eddy Current

Our PEC e-Learning package contains close to 20 hours of content and is divided into several courses, covering a wide range of topics from the basic knowledge regarding the physics of PEC all the way to advanced analysis tips and field case studies.

Our PEC Theory course especially covers the full Syllabus requirement of ASME V article 21 regarding training and certification of PEC technicians.

These courses are updated regularly, and we are committed to releasing more useful courses covering applications, features and advance use.

All PEC e-Learning courses are available with the blended Lyft training.

Price: 810 USD

PEC Advanced Analysis


4 hours


PEC Theory


10 hours


Lyft Field-Ready tutorials


2 hours


Free Related Courses

Introduction to PEC

Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is one of the greatest challenges facing asset integrity. Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC) offers a great addition to any corrosion toolkit as it allows to quickly screen insulated steel for any corrosion. This short training will introduce you to PEC and to its basic principles.



45 min


Introduction to Electromagnetism

This online training will introduce you to electromagnetism, covering a variety of subjects ranging from the fundamentals of electricity to the generation of eddy currents in a piece of metal. This can be a great introduction for anyone interested in learning more about science.



30 min
