Introduction to TOFD
Time of flight diffraction, or TOFD, is a branch of ultrasonic testing that has changed the way we approach weld inspection. This course will cover the basic principles behind TOFD.
Related Courses
If you are curious about the technique or would like a sneak peak of our full e-Learning courses, here are introductions related to PAUT/TOFD/TFM.
Mastering Capture 3.3
The release of Capture 3.3 brings exciting new possibilities for the Gekko and Mantis. Unleash your instrument's power with this new training course covering every new feature of Capture 3.3, from multigroup TFM and multimode configurations to the new motion panel interface.
LYNCS™ PAUT Scanner Showcase
The LYNCS is a modular ultrasonic scanner allowing both weld inspection and corrosion mapping. This series of video tutorials will showcase the Eddyfi Lyncs scanner and demonstrate how to make the most of it.
Handling Dual Phased Array Probes
The industry recommends using dual matrix and dual linear probes in Transmit-Receive Longitudinal (TRL) mode to overcome the challenges of heterogeneous materials. In this series of video tutorials, we will cover how to handle dual phased array probes.
R-Scan Array Corrosion Mapping
Corrosion mapping is one of the main applications of phased array testing. With the release of the new R-Scan array scanner, it is now easier than ever. This series of video tutorials will cover the scanner’s main features and will show you how to tackle corrosion mapping with the capture software.
Capture Analysis Tools
Capture 3.1 introduced new analysis tools which rendered the process easier than ever for PAUT/TOFD/TFM. This series of video tutorials will guide you through the analysis tools of Capture and Capture Pro, from defect sizing to customization of the reports, banners, and 3d views.
Introduction to PAUT
For most technicians, Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) is the first thing that comes to mind when advanced NDT is mentioned. This introduction covers the basic principles behind phased array testing along with some key applications for which PAUT is now the go-to solution.
Introduction to TFM
TFM is widely regarded as the greatest advancement in phased array technology of the past few years. This online module explains what is TFM, how it works, and how it differs from conventional PAUT.
Capture Setup Creation
The Gekko and Mantis systems are versatile tools that can easily be set up for everyday inspections. Creating the right setup allows for a seamless workflow from setup to report. This series of video tutorials will guide you through creating your PAUT/TOFD/TFM setups using the Capture software.
RMS-PA Product Training
RMS-PA is the pinnacle of automated UT corrosion mapping. Combining the RMS UT scanner with the versatility of a Gekko or Mantis PAUT system, mapping tanks and vessels for corrosion becomes very simple. This product training covers the basics of Corrosion mapping using the R-scan array and Gekko along with everything you need to know in order to operate the RMS with a Mantis system while in the field.
550 USD