LYNCS™ PAUT Scanner Showcase
The LYNCS is a modular ultrasonic scanner allowing both weld inspection and corrosion mapping. This series of video tutorials will showcase the Eddyfi Lyncs scanner and demonstrate how to make the most of it.
R-Scan Array Corrosion Mapping
Corrosion mapping is one of the main applications of phased array testing. With the release of the new R-Scan array scanner, it is now easier than ever. This series of video tutorials will cover the scanner’s main features and will show you how to tackle corrosion mapping with the capture software.
RMS-PA Product Training
RMS-PA is the pinnacle of automated UT corrosion mapping. Combining the RMS UT scanner with the versatility of a Gekko or Mantis PAUT system, mapping tanks and vessels for corrosion becomes very simple. This product training covers the basics of Corrosion mapping using the R-scan array and Gekko along with everything you need to know in order to operate the RMS with a Mantis system while in the field.